The Episcopal Church of Our Saviour

The Episcopal Church of
Our Saviour

2979 Coloma Street
Placerville, California 95667
(530) 622-2441 fax 642-8823

The Rev. Craig Kuehn, Rector

"The Good News"

Shrove Tuesday Pancakes

Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday is the day that precedes Ash Wednesday. It is a day of celebration and feasting before the solemnity of Lent. People would remove fat from their home by making pancakes on the day before Ash Wednesday. Churches continue this tradition with a pancake supper. Our pancake supper will be held Shrove Tuesday, February 27th from 5 PM to 7 PM.

Ash Wednesday Worship Services

Ash Wednesday in on February 28th this year. There will be two services on this day. The first will be at noon with the Stations of the Cross followed by the Ash Wednesday liturgy.
The Ash Wednesday liturgy will also take place at 6 PM. The imposition of ashes will be available at both services.
Please join in this solemn beginning to the season of Lent.

Holy Baptism Times

The regularly scheduled time for Holy Baptism is April 14th at the Easter Vigil. Please see Fr. Craig if you or your children are seeking baptism. There are typically three sessions of preparation before baptism. The next three times for baptism recommended by the prayer book are Penetcost (June 3rd), All Saints' Sunday (November 4th), and the Baptism of Our Lord, (January 13th, 2002).

Shrove Tuesday Pancakes

Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday is the day that precedes Ash Wednesday. It is a day of celebration and feasting before the solemnity of Lent. People would remove fat from their home by making pancakes on the day before Ash Wednesday. Churches continue this tradition with a pancake supper. Our pancake supper will be held Shrove Tuesday, February 27th from 5 PM to 7 PM.

Sunday School and Children's Chapel

Sunday School meets from 9:30 to 10:20. Ages 3 years to 6th grade meet in St. Matthew's room. Our new cirriculum is called Seedlings. We chose it because it was written for multi-age groups. We have a team of teachers who will each teach one Sunday each month.

Children's Chapel meets from 10:30 to 11:10 in St. Matthew's room. Our lessons will be based on each week's readings.

Sunday Teen Drop In Night

Every Sunday evening right after the 6:00 p.m. service, the "Teen Room" upstairs in Pierce Hall will be open for socializing, ping-pong, Fooze Ball, games, TV and videos - all provided in the teens' own space.
The volleyball and basketball equipment are also there. Judy Muetz will help set up the equipment. There is a computer with Windows 95. Bring your friends to play or visit.
Still needed: more videos and two bean bag chairs for watching in comfort.

Daughters of the King

Daughters of the King met on Thursday, February 1st, at 10:30 in Pierce Hall. Social time and refreshments begin at 10:00 when a delicious "scripture cake" was served. The cake comes from an old recipe provided by Pat Stanley and was baked by Marta Zangari, who found all the ingredients by following the biblical references. The sisters are now reading a new book, "The Practice of Prayer", for group discussion. To learn more about the Daughters of the King, visit the Sacred Links page where the DOK is the "sacred link of the month".

Dates to Remember
1 Brigid, Abbess of Kildare, 523
2 The Presentation of Our Lord (Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
3 Blasius, Armenian Bishop and Martyr, 4th Century
5 Martyrs of Japan, 1597; Agatha, Martyr in Sicily, 250
6 Titus, Bishop and Confessor, 1st Century
8 Jerome Emiliani, Priest, 1537
10 Scholastica, Virgin and First Benedictine Nun, 543
13 Absalom Jones, Priest, 1818
14 Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop, missionaries to the Slavs, 9th Century
15 Thomas Bray, Priest and Missionary, 1730
21 Peter Damian, Bishop, 1072
22 St. Peter's Chair at Antioch
23 Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr of Smyrna, 156
24 St. Matthias the Apostle
27 George Herbert, Priest, 1633
28 Ash Wednesday, First Day of Lent

A more detailed printed version of the "Good News" is available by mail. Would you like to receive a copy? Please call the church office or fill in the form below.

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(Otherwise, we will send you just the one copy of the "Good News".)

Handicapped Accessibility The sanctuary and offices are handicapped accessible from the church parking lot, off Conrad Street. The lower level Parish Hall and classrooms are accessible from the parking lot, by ramp, or directly from the handicapped parking space off Coloma Street. If you wish to receive Communion, but prefer not to climb the steps to the chancel rail, please tell one of our clergy and we will happily accommodate you.